Dressed garbagebin
Have you ever seen something like this before :P? My mum and I had a really good time trying to dress the garbagebin with "flowerpaper". And the most funny part were when we had get the top stuck and she was suposed to spray som soap on the dustbin and and happened to throw away the plastic that we had a permanent plastic and blamed for being stupid. I thought it was relly funny because it was her fault. But yes it was hard to get the plastic on the right place without breaking it.
Really tricky to get there around the wheels.
As you all can see is the garbagebin not so goodlooking so that is why we have to dress it (the first one my mum got was a gift from us children because it is really hard to find out a gift to her so we tought this was a fun idea and she loved it)
Here is our two dustbins, the "green" one is from a bit older then the "brown" one. We had a brown one with the flower before to, that the garbage truck had broken, so that was why we had get a new one and dress it.
Really tricky to get there around the wheels.
As you all can see is the garbagebin not so goodlooking so that is why we have to dress it (the first one my mum got was a gift from us children because it is really hard to find out a gift to her so we tought this was a fun idea and she loved it)
Here is our two dustbins, the "green" one is from a bit older then the "brown" one. We had a brown one with the flower before to, that the garbage truck had broken, so that was why we had get a new one and dress it.