Another day has gone

This was not a normal day, but I am so happy how it turned out to be! My morning was slow after a night with not much sleep because my head was so full of thought, but after some extra sleep and a new design on the blog and some ice cream. Around six o'clock was I going to Jenna when my phone start ringing and it was a dear friend who called on me. So Jenna and I went home to me and met up my other friend and we three drank some tea and chat, just like girls do you know? After that did we all go back to Jenna and watch the movie called “Bröllopsfotografen” (The wedding photographer) and ate popcorn :D It was just perfect, so I am very grateful for this day :)

2010-08-03 @ 23:03:39 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Ooups I did it again

I have done it again, I new design for my blog, and yes I was happy with the last one. But I do like my new one (A) I wanted to have some design that match the coming autumn, so I pick one of my sunset pic from this summer :)

I am thinking about you <3 and I know that you are so strong and I am glad to be your friend <3
2010-08-03 @ 15:51:46 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()


Ängla vakt i oturen <3
2010-08-02 @ 21:38:23 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Up up up and awaaaaaay

Västerås here I come! I have been waiting and waiting for this day and here it is. It is rain in the air so I better put some varm clouthes on. (okay right now do I just wanna go back to bed and be in there some more hours, but I wont!)

Had a beautiful evening yesterday with my dad, we had a movie night tougether and saw a movie called "In good company" and it was really good. So two thumbs up for that :)
2010-08-02 @ 09:10:01 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

I am so...

... HAPPY :D
I am finally starting to like my own design on my blog, but so far do I not now for how long it will stay like this ;) Yes I do want to have everything on my blog. But I cant have it on the same time. That is why all the changes.

Tomorrow am I going to the city where I am studing, but not because of that. I am going to visit to lovely friends, first Simon :) and then Rickard (who I haven't seen for like years!) I think that I am going to have the best monday of all of you!

Now do I feel like it is time for some bananas, hmm I wounder how I got the nickname money ^o)

(what does this pic look like? )

2010-08-01 @ 21:34:41 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Are we good or are we good?

My brother and I have been baking brownies today ;D we are so good! But we failed with the icing but it tasted sooo GOOD :D!

I have also been practising driving today and everything went good even if I haven't been driving for a while. My brother told me that I was so good that I could have been driving for years. And later are we two going to study for my license together (it is never too early to start practising for the driving license ;) )


And I had a great day yesterday with Jenna, Jimmy, Jimmy, Elin and “Åke” :) We was eating tacos and played a game called Yatzy and I lost. But someone has be the loser and I don’t mind losing a game or two :P Then did we drive to McD and Jenna bought me an milkshake as a thank for the help in kitchen. She is always so kind :)

2010-08-01 @ 14:58:53 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


Sitter hemma hos min kära vän Jenna, har precis hjälpt henne med disken och vi har konstaterat att snart är det försent med en fika. Men ikv blir det tacos med massor med folk :D det ska bli kul.

Idag har jag inte gjort så väldigt mycket, myst med familjen och tagit det lugnt. Fixat med bloggen som vanligt. Har konstaterat att jag ska börja ta betalt om jag ska hjälpa andra med deras bloggar i fortsättningen, eftersom jag gör rätt mkt jobb och lägger ner väldigt mkt tid. Typ bli en frilansande blogdesigner ;)

Nu börjar det bli rent och fint här i Jennas lägenhet.
2010-07-31 @ 18:38:18 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

There is something missing

Yes I do miss all my delegates! More for everyday, it might sounds weird for people who haven’t done this, but I think that the other who was a host agrees with me. Because being a host are so much more than just transport people from one place to another, at least not with my two groups. I was having breakfast, dinner or chat time with them. And I was like their mum who always told them to wake up, go to bed, drink water, watch out for cars, all my 35 delegates was like grown up babies in a good way! I liked to be their mum and now do I miss to have them hanging around asking me questions.

LiNA <3 India Central and Uganda = true


2010-07-30 @ 17:20:37 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

My eyes! Majs ?

I was playing football with my two sisters and brother just a minute ago. My brother and I won with 20-3 ;) Not bad at all, I would like to say ;) It was so fun, but it was to bad we didn't had a judge ^^ for if we had one I would had received lots of free kicks (I don't know if that is the right term, not so good in football you know).

Now of we go to the beach :D I will might swim today, I feel like it is a bathday today...

I had a bit boring today so I mad this ^^ not so good yet, but with some practis I will be better :)
2010-07-28 @ 17:48:29 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Yesterday !

Yesterday was a really good day I can tell :D Me and my two sisters and brother were all alone at home 'cause my mum and dad were visiting friends. So my older sister and me were out doing some shopping when we decided that we would make a trip with the kids. We took them to the channel and watched a gating and eating ice cream. The weather was just great and we had a great time together.

They did I have my friend Ida over so we could talk about hers blog that I am helping her with. After that did I have more visiting from Maria and Jim, They came and picked currants in our garden. Because Maria thinks it's so fun to take care of fruit and berries and my mum has taken all that she wants all ready. I think that this is great, that we can share with others.

Just to make the day better did we kids go to the beach and the small ones took a bath while I watch them from the beach. I miss to be young and just can run into the water. It is not that fun anymore, just uncomfortable for me at least. But I like to watch other having fun so it is okay :)

2010-07-28 @ 15:39:56 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Home sweet home

Now after a great weekend am I going home again to my own bed and my own shower ^^

I have had a great time with my friend Lingon, and his great girlfriend :D And I met lots of new and fun persons too, like Tobias who helped me to take the buss to the trainstation :) That was so sweet of him :)

Lingon tought me how to use a DJ-thing ^^ But I was not so good at it, but it was fun, it is always fun to try new things I think!
2010-07-26 @ 16:05:41 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Blåbär and Lingon :D

I have missed my friend so much! One year since last time we saw each other! This is our third summer together and this year with his girlfriend Rebecca as well :) Not bad at all!

Tomorrow will it be an "early" morning that Lingon wants to call it, 8.30 for me ;) Not that early if I compare with the last week when I went up around 5 o'clock in the morning to take a shower and then help all of my delegates to wake up and get a breakfast. So this is a long morning sleep for me ;)

When we arrived home to Lingon did we make our own pizza with ham, kebab, cheese and onion. Tasted really good :) And we also watched a movie called "Drakarnas rike" in Swedish but something completely different in English. Something I can't remember. :P It was not that good I think, but I don't usually like SiFi movies. They are just too much for me.

2010-07-22 @ 23:38:10 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Tuff tuff tuff det säger tåget

I am sitting on the second train to my friend right now and I can charge the battery on my computer: D That is really good news, I wish that all trains could be like that. At least the trains I am going with, or that is selfish! No all trains should be like this :)

We are all vulnerable and with flaws, but lie? No I don't think that should be anyone’s first choice! Yes sometimes is it easier to lie to protect the person that you are talking. But is that something that you would be remembered as / recognized with? A liar? I can tell that I wouldn't be very pleased with be called that. Maybe is it just me.

I can often tell when a person is lying to me, I don't always tell the person that. I am not stupid 'cause I am blond or young. Yes sometimes naive, but not stupid. And I have been practising my practiced in my whole (al 18 years ^^) life at reading people so I know! Ofc I am not a professional, but that is not often my stomach has wrong.

So keep your conscience clean, and others by speaking the truth!

2010-07-22 @ 17:54:05 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Listen to pokemon ^^

Since I come home from WYC, I have just rested. I just miss having 17 Indians and 18 Ugandans behind me all the time. So much joy and weird problems I have seen this week. And this is the first time someone has proposed to me, and not just one :O That is just one of the things I have had to deal with.

I even miss to stay up all night just talking to my delegates or knocking on doors to try to wake up really tired persons :P

I have heard so many new and good thought I hope that I will always remember!

I know that I have grown as a person this week and hopefully not jst me!

I think it vas Pete who told me that I had a boring taste of clothes ;) It is not true, but I had a dress code for my job that said that I was only allowed to use white, black and blue clothes, and cover shoulders and knees. This is so much more me :P
2010-07-22 @ 12:14:31 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

You are in the army now

I think I will start to write on my blog again :) it has happened so much fun the last time I would like to share with you. :)
2010-07-22 @ 08:35:15 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Förändringar på G när det gäller bloggen

Pratade med min käre mor igår då hon diskuterade min blogg med mig, även om jag är 18år kan det vara jättebra med föräldrar som bryr sig (för jag vet att min käre far håller med min käre mor). För jag hade verkligen inte en tanke på hur bloggen kunde uppfattas av andra eftersom jag själv vet vad alla inlägg betyder och skriver därför inte alltid hela meningar. Detta har gjort att många har uppfattat den helt fel vilket verkligen inte är något som jag vill. Så efter detta ska jag tänka mig för vad jag skriver på min blogg, för jag är inte en dum blondin som många inlägg fått mig att framstå som en. Jag har bara vart uttråkat och ledsen, men det är ingen ursäkt. Idag har jag rensat och omformulerat lite saker på olika ställen på bloggen där jag nu så här i efterhand ser att orden kom ut helt fel. En till sak jag inte alltid tänkte på när jag skrev var att alla som läser min blogg vet inte hur jag låter, vissa inlägg är skriva ironiskt, sarkatiskt eller jätteglatt men det går inte att läsa även om jag använder mig av smilies så kan det uppfattades så helt olika beroende på vem som läser.

Kan avsluta detta inlägg med att berätta att igår satt jag och plugga på en kurs som jag inte ens börjat läsa än bara för att det är sådan jag är. Jag är en ambitiös tjej som har väldigt höga mål i mitt liv men som förlorade mig själv under ett tag. Men nu kommer jag tillbaka som den glada nördiga flickan jag egentligen är.

2010-06-30 @ 12:55:15 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

suck och dubbelsuck

Fick ett teorispel av micke, vadå sett fram emot det tokmkt? (ja som tusan :D) Men så berätta han en massa krångligt för datageinet LiNA om hur man ska instalera det, jag tänker att det kan juh inte vara så svårt om han klarar det ( ;) ) men johodå ! Jag skulle packa upp någon fil, vad för uppackningsfil :O? fattar just nu ingenting ! Kommer bara upp en mängd okända filer och ingen som skall packas upp :O

ag och Jenna ska bjuda vår vän Lindut på födelsedagsmiddag eftersom hon var borta på sin 17års dag. det kommer att bli toppen bra :D Hur kan det gå fel med midda och sen Sex and the City 2 med tjejerna :D?
2010-06-29 @ 19:45:15 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Nooo aaair !

Pust och stånk efter en träning i denna hetta :O Det är verkligen drygt att springa när det är så här varmt! Sen att jag stora skavsår på mina fötter efter att ha sprungit halvvägs in på spåret gjorde inte det hela bättre! Idag hade jag iaf tagit en allergitablett :D duktig jag är

Sen så har det blivit något fel i ett tidigare inlägg (A) hette visst Våra BÄSTA år och inte våra värsta ^^ inte så lätt när det är svårt :) Ska snart sätta mig i skuggan i trädgården, för jag har kommit fram till att brun kan jag bli i Spanien så varför plåga min kropp just nu ^^, och måla och teckna lite :) Har några idéer på G så ska försöka få dem på papper :) Fett mysigt med Jenna idag, dock trist att Moa inte kommer :( Men men sånt är livet. Det kommer iaf ett trafikspel till mig senare :D woohoo vad jag ska spela! Nu jävlar ska jag ha mitt körkort, grattis till John som tog sitt idag :D Jag har faktiskt tvättat idag :D tvätt som ska ner i min väska till Spanien :D iiiiii så nervös !!!! En till sak som jag har förberett är hårfärg som ska slinga mitt hår :D Jenna ska hjälpa mig! Men blir det fel är det inte hennes fel! För det har jag lovat henne!


2010-06-29 @ 17:07:39 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


Nya tag idag, tänker försöka slut att hålla en vänskap uppe som aldrig försöker tillbaka! men Jenna kommer hit alldeles snart så jag borde inte sitta vid min dator egentligen ^^ har lite disk att fixa innan hon kommer :D men sen blir det hamburgare och makaroner framför våra värsta år ^^ och om vi har tur blir vi lite brunare efteråt i solen ;)
2010-06-29 @ 09:40:10 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Idag idag idag idag idag osv

Hmm har jag gjort nått idag? Handlat lite mjölk och skolskyddkräm, lagat lite mat, tränat lite grann, gått någon mil, suttit vid datorn...

MEN SIMON KANSKE KOMMER PÅ BESÖK I VECKAN :D så varför sura längre :D <3 me längtar tokars mkt :D (om han nu kommer)

Imorgon kanske Moa och Jenna kommer hit :) håller tummarna !!!!
2010-06-28 @ 21:20:40 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

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