historia lektion runt matbordet

Min syster:
- För längesedan så valde man kung genom att ta den tjockaste mannen!
Någon annan vid matbordet:
- Är du verkligen helt säker på det?
- Ja jag fick lära mig det för jättelängesen - det är faktiskt sant (med desperat röst att försöka övertyga oss alla andra)

min syster och jag är like bff <3
2010-08-31 @ 22:04:03 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

surt sa räven

Igår när jag loggade in på min vanliga msn så såg jag att någon rört den! SKOJAR INTE! För en person var blockad och mitt visningsnamn var mitt fullständiga namn, vilket är väldigt konstigt eftersom den mejlen är skriver under "falskidentitet" då jag inte ville att folk skulle sprida den och skicka den till folk som jag inte känner som sedan skulle kunna hitta mig, ja invecklat och töntigt men så är det iaf. Så därför var det väldigt konstigt när jag loggade in, för det står annars alltid LiNA som visningsnamn.

Då ville jag vara säker på att ingen lekte med min msn så jag bytte lösenord och nu kan jag inte logga in alls :( Så nu har jag en ny msn utan vänner (y) MINDRE KUL !

Men men har sökt igen till McD, håller tummarna på de kanske vill ha mig denna ggn? Vem vet? Hoppas kan jag alltid :)

Nu ska jag fortsätta att sura över min ickefungerande msn :(
2010-08-31 @ 19:24:16 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

hälsa hej hej

Nu ska jag ta och göra en djupdykning i vlcd metoden för att förbreda mig inför fredag när jag ska intervjua Hampus. En massa frågor är redan skrivna :D och en idé om fotot jag ska ta :D känns som att det trista ämnet kan bli lite roligt nu när jag vet vad jag vill göra med det ;)

2010-08-31 @ 14:07:09 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

kent sverige

Kent – Sverige

Välkommen välkommen hit,
vem du än är
var du än är

sjunger kent och jag ryser inombords, ja tänk om alla kunde tänka så. Då skulle det som just nu händer i Pakistan kanske lite enklare? Att med öppna famnar välkomna alla till det bättre.
2010-08-29 @ 21:25:07 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

This week

Här är veckans schema :)
Here is this week schedule :)

2010-08-29 @ 20:11:22 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


Nu har jag städat hela mitt rum :D
Now have I cleaned my whole room!

Före (before)

Efter (after)

2010-08-29 @ 19:32:35 Permalink Photos Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Äppel päppel piron paron

Nu börjar de värsta muskelsmärtorna släppa från gårdagens underbara gokart race :D Dock gör ryggraden fruktansvärt ont att vidröra, så blev ingen vidare skön sömn natten till idag då varje vändning fylldes med smärta. Har ett skrapsår till och med :O Men såklart lätt värt det!

Kommer snart lägga upp bilder från gården, samt kvällens städning som jag håller på med just nu ;)
2010-08-28 @ 22:14:47 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


2010-08-26 @ 19:38:35 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Ont så ont :(

Kom hem kasta av mig allt som sitter åt tight och rotar fram några fula träningskläder lägger mig i fosterställning och hoppas på att det som gör ont ska sluta. Men varför krampar min mage? Varför bultar mitt huvud som en tickande bomb? Varför gör det så väldans ont? Denna dag har bara vart underbar, var med fina flickorna haft kick-off för designinriktningen och tom gjort första uppgiften som vi fick, jag borde må bäst. Jag hade till och med en trevlig man bredvid mig på tåget som satt och pratade med mig (vilket jag faktiskt önska att folk gjorde oftare när jag steg på tåget). Varför kom kramperna nu och varför gör det så ont i min rygg och min mage och i mitt huvud :(
2010-08-26 @ 18:05:44 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


Precis som en hejjaklack ropar min hjärna ut hejjarop ut i min kropp!

Vara sjuk? NEJ TACK! Så försöker lura min kropp med att låssas vara frisk så kanske den glömmer att jag har en förkylning, för vill verkligen inte missa gokarten på fredag! Har gjort så fantastisk mkt idag och lärarens krav var att läsa igen om ett häfte på 6 sidor, vilket jag gjort samt svarat på ett antal av de frågor som var med.

Övningskörningen var intressant, tre pass idag - väldigt bra att ha sportiga småsyskon när man vill träna på körning för då har jag publik samt ett bra mål. Förkylningen gjorde dock resan lite ryckig, men tredje ggn gick det riktigt bra :D Bara en lite miss med ett för hårt tryck mot bromsen så att bror min hängde i bältet... Men kan inte vara perfekt heller. Blivit en hel del teoriplugg också. Borde ta tag och boka halkan så är jag verkligen nästan där med körkortet :D känns toppen bra om jag får säga det sj.

Nu ska jag sova för har två blå påsar under ögonen och det är icke charmigt min vän, men kan inte missa fångarna på fortet ! Det måste vara ett av de roligaste svenska programmen som finns? Okej, dansprogrammen är rätt roliga... och så ska det låta... och arthur ! På tal om Arthur tittade jag på ett avsnitt igår, det är ett helt underbart barnprogram specielllt vinjetten till det!

2010-08-25 @ 22:20:22 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

I have done so much !

I feel great beeing back at school again, but today did we have a day when we didn't need to go to school but still work - and I can promise I have been working my as off :D I love this project cours! So right now I am written down my idea for my project. And I have done some researches and so far is everthing turning out great!

I have also been studing for my driving licen and I am going to drive this afternoon :D

The only thing that is not so good is my cold that is not getting better :( But I'm strong ;)
2010-08-25 @ 16:05:20 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Don't blame it on the sunshine

I put on a bright yellow shirt today because it was raining so I was hoping for sun. But it only worked once, and the rest of the day was just raining :( And now have I got a cold :( Lucky me that I am going to study from home tomorrow so I can get healthy again and study and not give the cold to someone other :) (yes, always to the positiv side of it)

My brother was so sweet today when I cooked the dinner, he said that my food was the best food he ever tasted, I have such a sweet brother. It was my spec dish that is very easy but in someway do everybody loves it (I have to brag about ;) ) when I cook it :D

ONE more thing :D This just made my day, we are going to do a project work that is key rate to give 100P, I want to be a little secret with my idea, so when the teacher (he is new for this year) asked me today, I was mysterious and said that it is going to be something about design, and he gave me the worst prejudices and said "you should make jewelry." (because I am a girl or what) "No," I replied. So he came forward later and ask what was your idea, so I told him and he was thrilled and said that when he had read about my idea (which I submit before the summer) he thought it was the best idea ever! And that makes me feel very good - because it is gonna be so much work with it and I was scared they was going to say no to it. But my idea is still secret ;)
2010-08-24 @ 22:36:14 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Hold my Hand

I just love this song <3
2010-08-24 @ 08:25:33 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


No I don't think so, But to fake I'll put up five pictures of the same thing at different angles - just because I am so hot! ;) or my socks are! YES I have socks wit giraffes on, surprised? I wouldn't be, they are so beatuiful giraffes! Love them

2010-08-23 @ 23:10:29 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

if u wanna be my Bodyguard

AAAAA.. En kväll med fångarna på fortet satt verkligen inte helt fel ! JAG ÄLSKAR DET PROGRAMMET ! Fortfarande ;)

Gillar låten men videon är en aning för mkt knas för min smak
2010-08-23 @ 22:32:29 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Photos from friday :D

I promised Pete to take pic when Jenna and I went to the concert in Köping so here they are (plz don't kill me ;) - inside joke)

2010-08-23 @ 19:27:35 Permalink Photos Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Oh Happy DAY!

The first day in school is over and I survied :D And it was great meeting all people again - so many varm hugs and happy faces I just love my clas! And when I was going to a have a meeting with my new mentor had my old one left his leather vest on the wall. I think that was so sweet of him.

And on my way home did I have company with my friend Johanna and she maybe book me in the fall as Desgin for their company's website :D That made my day.

I wanna go to the circus in Köping but I don't have anyone to go with :/

I feel like the boy when he sings in the end of this movie ;)

2010-08-23 @ 16:16:09 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

new favorite

Efter flera flera ombyter nöjer jag mig med mitt oversize linne. Vem är det jag ska klä upp mig är dock frågan i mitt huvud. Jag är juh jag och mina vänner gillar mig för den jag är. Ändå byter jag om och om och om igen, varför är det så?
2010-08-23 @ 09:31:24 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

the day befor

En söndagkväll vandrande i skogen med yellowcard på högvolym i lurarna. Alla sätt är bra utom de dåliga!

Imorgon blir det lunch med underbara klasskamrater, längtar mig gul och blå! Har inte träffat den sen jag träffade dem sist och det känns som evigheter sedan! För att sedan gå och lyssna på rektorn och träffa min nya mentor Jim, det blir nog jättebra allt det där.

Träffade Iggy Pop idag <3 minnen från i somras när Simon var här. Saknar våra dagar, de var otroligt fina!
2010-08-22 @ 22:11:31 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

The first week

This is my schedule for the first week :D

2010-08-22 @ 13:42:27 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

10 things

This summer has been just great :D So I will make a list of the 10 best things that has happend this summer:

1. Meeting all new people
2. See Spain with my friend Georgina
3. Got new contact with an old friend - Jenna
4. The weather
5. World Youth Convent - beeing a host for India Central and Uganda <3
6. The music
7. The knight game during the middleage week in arboga
8. All time spent with my family
9. Fixing blogs
10. JENNA!

No spec order of the things :) All ten was just great :) And there were so much more that was good. :)
2010-08-22 @ 13:12:58 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Out and run

I put on some "new" clothes, a green big t-shirt from adidas and some blue shorts. So if someone see me, will I not be invinseble ;) So the forest next for me :D

Love this song :) It reminds me of Georginas littlebrother Roger :D

2010-08-22 @ 10:44:33 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


dagen på sommarlovet :O
MyohMy! detta lov har vart helt craaaazy!
2010-08-22 @ 09:37:51 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

What is LOVE?

Here in Sweden it is very common to have a relationship from an early age, and if it ends, you should quickly find a new partner - this is a problem for me. I wounder were did the whole love thing go? Can a person really change their mind over a night and fell in love with a new person so quick?

I met this boy that took my heart and I really thought he was the one but we realised, for many reasons, that we couldn't be thogether, and it was a good decision as we did. But now after this, I would not have a relationship, because I can't change my mind - or more my heart - like that. And I don't need a boy on my side to feel good - because I think that is one of the reasons why people get thogether sometimes. And it is a really big pressure that we should have a girl/boyfriend - otherwise is there something wrong on us. The weird part here is that I feel guilty for not wanna have a relationship - why ? I'm not doing anything wrong, I think I am more honest when I say no.

Some people is telling me to stop spending time with boys, because that give them the wrong signal from me. Is that not very sad? I think that is  one of the consequences that it is so important to have a relationship, I love watching movies with both boys and girls and not alone. So now when I am singel, am I only aloud to watch them with girls? I so don't understand all this. Not a single thing - what is love?

So is this love that they am dealing with or just the feeling beeing alone?

2010-08-21 @ 21:31:31 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

YES ! do it

Följ min blogg med bloglovin
2010-08-21 @ 16:53:36 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

nya tag på bloggen

fixar för fullt
2010-08-21 @ 15:35:00 Permalink Autumn 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Open up your window :D

I just had a great eving with my friend Jenna :D We went to Köping to a consert that was there, I saw no tomorrow and remabemer september. After that did my dad pick us up and the rest of the evning was spent at jennas place with lots of girltalk :D

2010-08-21 @ 01:03:36 Permalink Photos Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Stolt :D

Jag tror jag håller på att bli vuxen i mitt barnasinne :D jag lär mig gränsen för min nyfikenhet, jag vet när jag inte vill veta mer - vet låter chockande - men jag är inte intresserad längre att luska fram allt bara för att jag kan. Vuxen poäng?

Dock får jag några minus i vuxenpoängen med tanke på min frukost ^^ det blev en kopp kaffe och en stycken mandelkubb ;) Men plus igen för att nu dammsuger jag övervåningen, minus på att sprang till datorn och blogga undertiden ;)
2010-08-20 @ 09:38:55 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Under ombygnad

Håller på att testa lite nya idéer till bloggen så kommer vara lite rörig ett tag framåt igen, men känner på mig att detta kommer att bli en riktigt bra design: D japp det gör jag.

MEN !!!
Idag för alla som inte vet är det officiella surströmmingsdagen! Så självklart köpte min mor en burk med surströmming så att vi här hemma kunde göra det jag kallar för den svenska tacosen ;) Först tar man tunnbröd, sen mandelpotatis och gul lök, den sura strömmingen och så lite cream fraish, rulla ihop detta håll för näsan och hugg in :D Det är inte så hemskt som det luktar, efter några års träning är det faktiskt riktigt gott :) Den salta fisken med en söta potatisen :) Bör ätas minst en gång per liv!


Imorgon blir det Beach rocken i Köping, vi får hoppas på fint väder, men sällskapet är det finaste iaf :) så det går icke att klaga på :) är ruskigt pepp ohja

2010-08-19 @ 21:36:20 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

New design ? who knows ;)

Just nu är jag kramsugen :D ska verkligen bli helt underbart att komma tillbaka till skolan igen ^^ För där finns det alltid minst lika kramiga människor som mig :D Jag tycker att alla - förutsatt att de har bra hygien - borde kramas när de ses :D ohja !

Back to english again ^^ I think that I will fix a new design to my blog again ;) I can't this one when I start third grade ;)? Noooo :D

I just have to tell you one thing ! :D
My mum made this wonderful lunch today :D tasted like a bit heaven I think <3 Good food makes a good day.

2010-08-19 @ 17:22:49 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

The smile on your face

"Plz let me see your happy face"
"shared happiness is dubbel happiness"

This things was I screaming 7 o'clock on the sub way this summer when I was at work ^^ because I know that it is so true (and I got so many beautiful smiles back)! To be happy, even if it is just for a minuet, can make a big change in a persons mind. I promis it is true, and I have always happy thoughs left for everybody if they need it. Can I make a person smile do I feel so much better - I think that a smile is one of the best things in the world. Dosen't how it shows, it could be from a joke, a hug, a good song or just sitting still. as long it is a smile on the face, a true smile not a fake one.

I have had some tough times, like everybody else, but I have been told that I dosen't show it in public. Why should I? Does that make the world become better? My day? NO I don't think so, yes ofc sometimes do I show it sometimes, but I am a human - not a perfect superhero. But I always try to smile ;) And I am so lucky you know, because I have such wonderful people around me that I can share happiness with :D And I know that is making a diffrent in life :D
2010-08-19 @ 10:46:17 Permalink Linas mind Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


Oh my back is still killing me, but tonight I'm going to lay on the nailscarpet just like a faqir ^^ I think I can do my own show next year at the middleage week in Arboga when I am laying on nails ^^ ? Easy money I think...

Anyway, I really hope that it will work :O

Had a good time with Jimmy, we was watching as I wrote, pirates of the caribbean 2, and we was laughing troth the whole movie :D And I am so proud over Jimmy - he told me that he knew when his birthday is ;) That is good don't you think?

And when I come home was I watching a Murder in Midsummer - movie with my mum and dad <3 I just love spendiing time with my family :)
2010-08-18 @ 23:43:08 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Running around

I have had a great day so far, calm and nice with a coffeebreak with Jenna <3 and now I'm going to Jimmy and watch a movie, you have probelby seen it... pirates of the caribbean 2 :D And Jimmy bought popcorn I think. I just LOVE popcorn :D oh yes!
2010-08-18 @ 18:54:24 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

fof sur!

Nu har jag vart och kollat och min räkning ska vara betald och allt så har jag ingen skuld (behövder då inte betala den räkningen som kom på posten :S känns konstigt men så ska det alltså vara) och min klocka står som status "finns inte i lagret". Kommer hålla koll på dem -.- För jag vill ha min klocka, eller jag ville ha den nu känns den hopplöst låååångt bort.
2010-08-18 @ 16:15:24 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Dåligt humör

Ibörjan av sommaren gick jag på ett sånt där erbjudande man får från csn, detta var om att man kunde köpa tre nr av vecko revyn och då få en klocka och en tröja. Tror ni att jag har fått en klocka? Nej ist får jag dubbla räkningar som säger att jag inte betalat någonsting! Det första jag gjorde när jag fick första räkningen var att betala och fick bekräftelse och allt. Dags att ringa dem och fråga vad de håller på med och om var min klocka är !
2010-08-18 @ 16:06:33 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

School start...

... on Monday, so I can take it easy for another week :D And I can tell - that is just what I am doing! I know that when school is going to start again I am going to be very very busy! I am going to read to many courses on the same time, because I need them and some just because I think it is so much fun :D

(tar detta på svenska ^^)
Jag ska alltså läsa ungefär 600 utöver den vanliga "gränsen" som är 2500 p. Så min slutsumma kommer att landa på 3100 p, varav en av mina kurser - ma c - ska jag läsa på ett halvår medans alla andra läser den på ett år, för annars hinner jag inte med. Kommer även läsa alla design ämnen, även om jag inte behöver dem till nått, natur B är nog en av de kurser som jag verkligen inte vill läsa men absolut måste... :( Den kommer bli en utmaning. Sen eng c är oxå ett eget val men det kan nog bli kul :) Har lite kvar i eng b och tyska steg 4 från förra året men det känns som det kommer gå bra.

Time to go now ! Jenna is waiting on me and I am not ready yet ^^ hahah
2010-08-18 @ 13:37:36 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

My computer really hates me!

Now it's my spotify that dosen't work for me on my computer, it worked just fine on my brothers so nothing wrong on my account so it has to be my computer... But just five minutes left on a new download of spotify, and I hope that this time will work more then a half year !

But I can be happy, I going to get a new computer for one year from my school, a HP-computer, and I have just used my old one with windows 98 and this one a mac... How is this going to end? Me and computers are like fire and water! And NO I am not kidding and making a fole of myself. I just can't understand computers :(
2010-08-17 @ 21:47:05 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Bra bra bra

Japp japp japp
Nu har jag sprungit runt en halv mil :D i regnet och allt
detta skall belönas med cougartown och nutella ;)
2010-08-17 @ 20:05:01 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

To be or not to be...gay

Gay gay gay gay gay!

This is two male signs, and in them have I paint the world. A made them as a shape of giraffes, because the giraffe is a sign of overview and love. (Yes I have made this pic)

That is a subject that never gets boring or am I wrong? Yes I am! I am so damn tired of hearing that it can be wrong being gay! It is so NOT! I have learned that God loves everybody, why should it be a diffrent if a man have sex with a other man? Is there something wrong with him? NO! I would like to say it is more wrong if two persons have sex and are married without being inlove! Love is so much more then a sex on a person! Love is the bubbling thing you feel inside when you just think of a person. Love is when you can feel sparkle inside of you when this person touch your hand. I think that we should be so happy when we see two people, no matter which gender they have! And it's always hurt me inside when a person say that God created a man in His own image and then created a man and a woman so therefore it is wrong with homosexuality. Hello? Come on!

I always smile when I see love around me, even if my heart in that moment is broken or something do I always feel happy for other when I see them inlove. I wished that more could be like that, but I don't wanna go out and change people. As Micheal Jackson said: Look at yourself and make a change. No one else can do it, only be there and wait until you do it, so while I am waiting with lots of other: plz just remember a gay person is just like you or sometimes maybe better - they can see beoynd the sex and see a person...

2010-08-17 @ 15:24:26 Permalink Linas mind Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

<3 to jenna!

Jenna is a very good friend and I am a very lucky person that have a chans to get to know her :) So THaNK u for that :) (and the pangcakes :D)

It is so many things going on in my head right now that I am surprised that it hasn't exploded all ready... But I realised some important things today: People loves being mean! No I am not kidding, we love the feeling when we say something to someone that we know are forbidden and not nice at all! For some people is that a feeling of power, and I might done that too so I am not a saint. But I just wounder why is it like that? We just live up to our bad reputation that humans are a bad creature and all that. I think all this sucks, I get stiff and tense knowing that if I go out I might get a slap in the face orally and sometimes is that just to much. Is it just me, am I wrong? No I don't think so...

2010-08-16 @ 23:06:12 Permalink Linas mind Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

a beautiful mind

unedited images, time to be creative and create
2010-08-16 @ 17:52:18 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Paaaling !

Jenna is going to help me pale some slings in my hair today :D
And after that it's gonna be pangcakes lunch with Jenna and Linda :D so I will go out and buy some nutella to the pangcakes, mmm yummie :D

2010-08-16 @ 09:34:03 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (2) Trackbacks ()

fel fel fel

I senaste inlägget blev det ett litet fel, det ska stå JUNI och inte Jui ;)
2010-08-16 @ 09:04:18 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


2010-08-16 @ 08:59:58 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


My friend Pete is turning 22 today :D
But I am afraid that I always will see him as my baby ;)

2010-08-15 @ 22:16:40 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


Middleage week in Arboga, :D

And Rasmus was here :D

Zack is one of the best thing every year :D

This man followed me ;)

My brother got a tatoo :D

Maria and Jim :D

Knight game :D Awesome! Good against evil
2010-08-15 @ 11:44:43 Permalink Photos Kommentarer (2) Trackbacks ()

Middelage in Arboga

We have this middelage week every year in Arboga, and I have taken lots of photos, but do you think my internet works so I can upload them on my blog? NO! So right now I'm uing mum's and dad's computer but the pic is on my computer and it takes like milion years to trasfer them from one computer to another.

Today was I so sleepy :O I think it is because I eat a lots of allergy tablets and they mostly give this effect on me. Have to eat them because I am so allergy to hourses and I watched a knight games yesterday and it was so cool! I have pic from that too.

Yesterday was just perfect the whole day :) Thanks to Rasmus, Jenna, Jimmy and ofc my family <3
2010-08-14 @ 20:39:36 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


Had some company with a butterfly while I wait on Rasmus :)

Now have I wakumcleaned the house and paint my nails red :D And soon I'll go to the trainstation and meet up Rasmus and show him my beautiful hometown, I am at very good mood :D

2010-08-13 @ 10:48:00 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Mamma kom på...

... den bästa rubriken till mitt inlägg om soptunnan:

"Inte en skitgubbe utan en sopgubbe"
:D klockren

En sak till :D firar tre månader med mig själv idag :D GRATTTIIIIISS TILL MIG :D
2010-08-12 @ 23:11:39 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

LiNA goes GooD

I had a really good driving lesson today :D I was driving on the high way, and some overtaking and practis start in a hill :D It is so fun so drive, and I have a really good teacher :D my DAD <3
This was the first time on the high way since I become scared for them, the first time I drove by myself on a high way was I so nervous that I couldn't get the the fifth gear in. But today went everything just fine :D So I am so proud over myselft right now :D

Had a GREAT time at Jenna today :D
We was baking this funny cakes with candy in it ^^ And a chocholate cake too :O And I helped her with with the dishes, and no she did not force me! :) And I was in a really good mood and I don't know why. Maybe because of the driving lesson ?

And after that did we go out and looked at the rowing contest :)
And I met some friends there, and had a great time with Jenna Jimmy and Jimmy (yes two Jimmy)

On the left top is my friend Cajsa, and in the left bottum corner is Rut and her friend - these two was in the contest (because evrybody need to dress up like they were from the middleage)

The rain had made the water brown :( And I don't have any energy to make it blue in PS... ;)

2010-08-12 @ 21:54:38 Permalink Photos Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

rude or rude ?

(read this thinking I am calm so you don't misstaking thinking I am upset)
Last week was my mum and I dressing a garbagebin because our old one was broken and we got a new one. Today when my dad and I come back from my driving lessons saw we two men in orange taking our new dressed barbagebin away (Talk about good timeing), so my dad went there to talk with them. One of them was kind and talk calm with my dad, that there was a misunderstanding, but the other one was just rude and told my dad that he was an idiot that this garbagebin was much bigger then we should have and that we couldn't put flowers on it. And my dad tryed to explain that he got this bigger one for the same price as a small one, after a while did the rude man put our garbagebin back and just laugh a evil that we will not get our bin for the price we promised. I have no problem that we should pay the fully price for the bin, but beeing rude is not a good way to get a good reputation but what do I know? I can see why he was rude, or I can imagine that he been treated in a bad way by people and therefore can be quickly up on defense and becomes unpleasant. But that is why is even more important, I think, to be nice to people and show them wrong that he is not stupid or an angry person.

So in someway do I feel sorry for this man that he needs to be rude instead of calm and nice because today I felt that he was defending himself...
2010-08-12 @ 14:41:10 Permalink Linas mind Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

It is just great :D

I feel awesome today, except that I have a bad hair day today... But I don't care, can put it up in a ponnytail or something ^^ (so I were just food poisoned, a good news)

Right now is my computer playing Lykke Li and my mind tells me that I probebly should clean up in my room, because tomorrow is Rasmus coming here and visiting me :D And the night tomorrow will be spend with Jenna and maybe some more? Three o'clock this day will I bake with Jenna :D I am sooo looking forward to that, because I missed it yesterday, and we will also go to the rowing contest tonight :D and I bring my camera so all of you can see it on my blog ;)

(hihi I remember last year, then was this pigflu really big this week, all over the news everywere, and today: nothing! ^^ sry but I think it so funny, what some magasines can do with something, they had nothing to write about so they wrote about the swine flu and mad it so big that people didn't shake others hands, and a few month after it, is everything forgotten...just to remind you don't trust everything that you read in a news paper ;) )
2010-08-12 @ 11:24:20 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


This day was not great, ok but not reat. I watched a Harry Potter movie and went out for a walk with Jenna, been sleeping, not more. Hate to be ill... Boring boring, but tomorrow it is gonna be better! So I keep my thumbs that the last night was just some food poisoning :) But I have eaten four fruts and two toast without any problems so I think that I am good to go :)
2010-08-11 @ 23:19:42 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

ill :(

Woke up two this night and had to throw up :( Not so fun, around 4.30  could I go back to sleep again. I think it is just some food poisoning because I don't feel ill right now. But I miss my day with Jenna, we were suposed to make panncakes with nutella and just be girly ! (like we always do :D ) We have to do that another time, because I cant make panncakes (something always go wrong when I try) so I really need Jenna for that (A) yes I am useing her ;) <3
2010-08-11 @ 12:52:03 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Marlon Brandon and Jonny Depp = true

I am speachless ! This movie was AMAZING ! I the weird is that I can't tell you why ! But they are so good actress that I forgot everything around and just was in the movie. I can recomend this movie to girl mostly, but some boys would like it to I think.
2010-08-10 @ 22:52:00 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()


This is a pic of me last year, I think I will cut my hair off again the next summer :D And pale it white :D I liked it, but right now do I wanna have looong hair, that's the problem with me, I always want to change my hair! But better to change hair than my nose or something like that. :P

My sis just got a lose tooth out :D I can hear her run downstairs of happiness :) I am happy for her, I can remember the feeling when the teeth is getting lose and it is difficult to eat and chew gum and sometimes talk (you can imagine how painfull that must have been for me ;) )

Tomorrow it is the first day on the middleage week here in Arboga :D It is gonna be so much fun, and it is going to a rowing contest at the evening, and almost the whole town (or something) is going to be there. A big celebration, and it is just 2 days left until Rasmus will come here and visit :D
We are going to look at this movie tonight, have a familynight, will be a lot of cozy :) And just look at him he is so handsome Jonny Depp! (one more thing, yes it is a vcr ;) we like to be a bit old fashion sometimes ;) )
2010-08-10 @ 20:40:03 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


I just found out that my blog has a bit problem with internet explorer thanks to my firend Linda :D So thank you so much, so everyone use firefox it is so much better (A)
(it is Linda who took the photo in my header :) )
2010-08-10 @ 17:43:48 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Problems are not welcome !

Hi I just discoverd that my blog doesn't look like the way it does in my computer in others. So if it does look like the pic under this text plz tell me ! Because then I have to work on that :)

2010-08-10 @ 14:28:17 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (4) Trackbacks ()

www. (working, waiting, winning.)

Now have I fixed a thing on my mum’s blog, but everything takes so long before I can see if it works the way I want it to work and my Internet is going off all the time. Yes it hates me! But when I am waiting I am listening on Hästpojken (The Horseboy in eng) and read Harry Potter, the last book, and dream about a biiiig frappuccino from Starbucks (the best cold coffee in the world! It is to bad that we have the only Starbucks at the airport here in Sweden, and to get there do we need to have a bording card!

This is one of my favoriets of the things that I have done :) It is my hand who is comming from the left side and the other two is from a person called Calle :) Yes there is still some deatails that need work, but I am afraid that I have toss the origenal away...

2010-08-10 @ 11:07:42 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (2) Trackbacks ()

I am totally exhausted

I run in the forest, my favorite place to run, and the ground was just perfect - soft and a bit wet. Why do I think so? Because if the ground is soft and wet it is important to be soft in the body itself, or else it slips right down into the mud. That makes the run more exciting I think :)

The only thing that was annoying was my music in my mp3, it was to calm ^^ I like rock when I run, and calm when I read and I use the same mp3 for both ;)

(and oh yes I did slip once, but that is a part of running in a wet forest ;)

This is my outfit for today, a bit brown and gray but I felt good in it :) Mostly of the clothes are from H&M :)

It is soon time for me to go to bed, just one thing more that I want to do on my mums blog :) It is lots of work beeing a blogdesigner I can tell ;) But it is just so much fun.

2010-08-09 @ 22:40:50 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Three little birds

A lovely song, and this video is so cute :) enjoy
2010-08-09 @ 18:45:49 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


Now have I done some art, and because I called it art is there nothing wrong with it ;) The only thing is that you can see it diffrently :D

I had no idea at first what I was gonna paint, but I think a made ducks and moonshine in the water :)
2010-08-09 @ 18:41:03 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

curling ?

- Jag älskar curling!
- Varför?
- För då får man kasta sten och skrika SOPA!

(- I love curling!
- Why?
- Because for then you have to throw stones and shout sweep!

so much more fun in swe)

Think I'll sit a while and be creative and paint, long ago I took out acrylic colors  and create, or my watercolor paints or etc., etc.:) Maybe just make a drawing, it is a friend who sat model on the pic :)
2010-08-09 @ 15:48:22 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

When is it gonna be perfect?

I am almost done now with the blog, still some stuff that is not working correctly like when I go to all the things I wrote in June is do everything move to the left when it suposed to stay in the middle. A bit annoying that this happens!


I looked through a bunch of old pictures today, mostly from last year and so much fun I have done in my life, which you then so easily forget! The picture that I post from now is Christmas Eve 2008th :)

I do wanna have some promarkers! I just saw a pic a friend have done and she is really good at drawing :)
(I took the pic from a blog, )


I have seen people drawing with kind of pencil and it is so cool, a technique I like to teach me!
2010-08-09 @ 13:58:22 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

I feel good *nanana* (8)

I had a really good drivinglesson today with my dad and it felt so good I can tell :D I was practising right turn, and dirving in a city (if you can call my home town that ^^) So just have a few thing more to do and more practising and the driving licens will be mine thanks to my great dad :D <3

And my younger brother who knows how to give a girl compliments ;)

(De saker jag har kvar är halkan, kanske någon EKO-driving-kurs och lite teori och finslipning sen ja visst ja en uppkörning, känner mig verkligen taggad nu :D)
2010-08-08 @ 22:41:22 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Yes I did it again

I was not so happy about the last desgin after all, after just a day felt it to dark for me so now am I working on a new one :) It goes slowly forward because I am doing other things in the same time, like today have a been playning a game called King with my brother and sister hand her friend. It is so funne, but me and my brother has harder rules then my little sister has so we mixed them and come up with new rules too :)

And I cooked the lunch today :) And everyone told me that it was good so I am happy about it :) And I also working on my mums blog right now and I want it to be perfect just like her :)
2010-08-08 @ 15:10:10 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (4) Trackbacks ()


I have always loved baskedball, so today was my littlebrother and little sister and I out playing :) It was so fun, but I think it would have been more fun if we were more than tree persons.

as you can see am I playing from my tippytoe and I always scored ;)
2010-08-07 @ 17:35:54 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Oooh boy - with some milk

I had a great day yesterday I can tell :D Lots of crazy things going on, and today I have pain in my stomach from the workout! That feels great, because now can I feel that I did a good job yesterday.

On my schedule for today is baskedball and some homework on. And oh yes a new design on the blog, I have been told that this one is to dark for me, that I am a lighter person, so I will work on a new idea :)
2010-08-07 @ 10:26:40 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

A good start on this beautiful friday!

My family tried to wake me up this morning, but I was to tired even if I went to bed early! Anyway then Jenna texted me a mess around 9 o'clock and that woke me up. So she went here around 10 and we watched some tv and tried to do some pilates, but that was not our thing. We was laughing the short time we were watching the instructionvideo ^^ Then we went out and layed in the sun :)

Soon am I going over to Jenna I think and let her fix my hair and I will fix hers too :)

bye bye
2010-08-06 @ 13:00:28 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Where is my watch?

I order for like moths ago a watch, but I still haven't got it and tomoroow will I call them!

I have had a great day with Jenna :D We have baked a chocolat cake, laying in the sun trying to get atan (or that was just me, jenna is allready perfect brown!), and then tonight have we had a girlsnight with movie, face masks, and LOTS of girl talk ofc about boys. This day was perfect I can tell :D And I hope that tomorrow will be that too.

PS. Do you wanna know something funny ? My mum is thinking of getting a blog ;) and YES I am the one who is going to fix it for her. How cute isn't she? Now she has both facebook and soon a blog! I do think that I have one of the coolest mum eeever :D<3
2010-08-05 @ 23:02:46 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (2) Trackbacks ()

Dressed garbagebin

Have you ever seen something like this before :P? My mum and I had a really good time trying to dress the garbagebin with "flowerpaper". And the most funny part were when we had get the top stuck and she was suposed to spray som soap on the dustbin and and happened to throw away the plastic that we had a permanent plastic and blamed for being stupid. I thought it was relly funny because it was her fault. But yes it was hard to get the plastic on the right place without breaking it.

Really tricky to get there around the wheels.

As you all can see is the garbagebin not so goodlooking so that is why we have to dress it (the first one my mum got was a gift from us children because it is really hard to find out a gift to her so we tought this was a fun idea and she loved it)

Here is our two dustbins, the "green" one is from a bit older then the "brown" one. We had a brown one with the flower before to, that the garbage truck had broken, so that was why we had get a new one and dress it.
2010-08-05 @ 13:00:15 Permalink Photos Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

I forgot ...

... That I am the best hairdresser eeeeever ;) Or just a good student, but Jenna said that I was good when I helped her with her hair yesterday, it is so fun to help :D

Now have I vacuumcleaned the entire upstairs. And later will I help mum to dress our dustbin ;) I know it sounds weird, but it is true and it will look cool when it is clear.

And this afternooon will I spend with Jenna :) and do giiirlystuff.
2010-08-05 @ 10:19:41 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

A normal day

Still having a cold, but my day was awesome :D When Hampus got here did we go and bought some food, and my brother was with us. Normaly is it hard for frinds to conect with siblings, but Hampus and my brother and sister and her friend was clicking ;) we were all goofing around and had a good time with lots of coffee and laught.

Hampus tried to take a photo of me while I was eating ^

Oh no this is not been changed in PS, we are looking like this :D

And when the sun shone through the clouds we decided to go out and play some guitar for passers (and drink some more coffee ofc)
2010-08-04 @ 23:44:30 Permalink Photos Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

which is best?

The old design, bright and purple with lots of photos.

The new one, a bit darker and only one photo...

Hmm I like them both ^^ But I think I like the bright one a bit more. Or just that it is bright, but in the same time I really like the new one with the eye and the colour and the backgrund... Hard one, so if you who reads it want to give me your opinion :)
2010-08-04 @ 10:38:26 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (2) Trackbacks ()

Not in a good mood

I feel that I am going to have a big cold soon, I have all the first signs: slow head, aching feet, stuffy nose and so on.

But today will HAMPUS come here and have a looooong coffee break with me :D I looking forward to that :) And it will also be the first time he is will see my house :)

I just love this song :) It makes me happy from the inside, just like a good song i supposed to do.
2010-08-04 @ 08:56:21 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Another day has gone

This was not a normal day, but I am so happy how it turned out to be! My morning was slow after a night with not much sleep because my head was so full of thought, but after some extra sleep and a new design on the blog and some ice cream. Around six o'clock was I going to Jenna when my phone start ringing and it was a dear friend who called on me. So Jenna and I went home to me and met up my other friend and we three drank some tea and chat, just like girls do you know? After that did we all go back to Jenna and watch the movie called “Bröllopsfotografen” (The wedding photographer) and ate popcorn :D It was just perfect, so I am very grateful for this day :)

2010-08-03 @ 23:03:39 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Ooups I did it again

I have done it again, I new design for my blog, and yes I was happy with the last one. But I do like my new one (A) I wanted to have some design that match the coming autumn, so I pick one of my sunset pic from this summer :)

I am thinking about you <3 and I know that you are so strong and I am glad to be your friend <3
2010-08-03 @ 15:51:46 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Från gårdagen

2010-08-03 @ 09:36:24 Permalink Photos Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


Ängla vakt i oturen <3
2010-08-02 @ 21:38:23 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Up up up and awaaaaaay

Västerås here I come! I have been waiting and waiting for this day and here it is. It is rain in the air so I better put some varm clouthes on. (okay right now do I just wanna go back to bed and be in there some more hours, but I wont!)

Had a beautiful evening yesterday with my dad, we had a movie night tougether and saw a movie called "In good company" and it was really good. So two thumbs up for that :)
2010-08-02 @ 09:10:01 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Culture differences!

This summer has really been a test for me how much I have been studying other cultures. I thought I knew everything before this summer, that I was a travelling person, yes just like a normal 18 years old person. We think that we know everything before someone has tough us that. I am not the first, and certainly not the last one thinking that. First my week in Spain/Catalan visiting my friend Georgina, just that week told me so much more then many of my trips together.

M aybe becau se this was one of the first times I was living in a real family with family activities, and not at some hostel. Just that mad me see more of the real culture. I just loved how they made their breakfast! It was this baguette they cut open, squeezed out the inside of  a tomato, some olive oil and then ham. I would never had eaten that at a hostel I believe, I think I would have been eaten the same kind of bread as I do in Sweden with butter and jam and cheese.


And they, just the week after my week in Spain did I go the whole way to Stockholm, okay Stockholm has some culture differences to my home town but that’s not something I will write about. It was the Salvation Army and all the visiting delegates from so many countries from the world! I can tell that I had no idea that so many people from so many places could be so similar and so different at the same time. I felt like a sponge, I wanted to suck up all the differences like it was water and keep it inside of me for the rest of my life. Some of it I will remember, but fortunately not everything. But I will always remember how to say yes in India, and it is not nodding it is some kind of shaking the head. And how important status is in some countries. But something that I have seen that makes the entire world to one individual is the laugh that we can share. I know that some people are a bit more shy to show it than others, but shared happiness it double happiness all over the world, and I will always remember that too! So go out and just smile to the people you meet on the street, it is not much but it do makes a different.

2010-08-02 @ 00:31:02 Permalink Linas mind Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

I am so...

... HAPPY :D
I am finally starting to like my own design on my blog, but so far do I not now for how long it will stay like this ;) Yes I do want to have everything on my blog. But I cant have it on the same time. That is why all the changes.

Tomorrow am I going to the city where I am studing, but not because of that. I am going to visit to lovely friends, first Simon :) and then Rickard (who I haven't seen for like years!) I think that I am going to have the best monday of all of you!

Now do I feel like it is time for some bananas, hmm I wounder how I got the nickname money ^o)

(what does this pic look like? )

2010-08-01 @ 21:34:41 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()


Here is some pic from when my brother and I was baking :)

And just some minutes ago did I play this traffic game I got from Michael and I am best at the traffic signs now :D only one wrong ;) So I am clear on that now, just the rest left. But it is quit logic so it wont be any problem I think.
2010-08-01 @ 18:12:22 Permalink Photos Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Are we good or are we good?

My brother and I have been baking brownies today ;D we are so good! But we failed with the icing but it tasted sooo GOOD :D!

I have also been practising driving today and everything went good even if I haven't been driving for a while. My brother told me that I was so good that I could have been driving for years. And later are we two going to study for my license together (it is never too early to start practising for the driving license ;) )


And I had a great day yesterday with Jenna, Jimmy, Jimmy, Elin and “Åke” :) We was eating tacos and played a game called Yatzy and I lost. But someone has be the loser and I don’t mind losing a game or two :P Then did we drive to McD and Jenna bought me an milkshake as a thank for the help in kitchen. She is always so kind :)

2010-08-01 @ 14:58:53 Permalink Summer 2010 Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()